
Advantages of Free web promotion

A few years back a number of experts were predicting the end of free website promotion. The thinking went since the major conglomerates were starting to utilize the internet more and more, it would eventually drive up the price on just about every aspect of online business including advertising. This would put a lot of pressure on small and home based online businesses that had benefited from the early days of website promotion when costs were free or very affordable and competition was not as widespread. The good news is free website promotion never went anywhere. It has continued to grow and evolve just like the internet. Maybe the boom years of website promotion don't exist anymore due to the number of websites online but in some ways its better than before. Constant growth means more people online to view your information or product. Here are a few tips to getting the most out of free website promotion: 1. The Directories This could be the easiest way to generate free website promotion. Just create a profile of your website including a good description along with the right targeted keywords and begin submitting your site to the many online web directories. This as you may have gathered will not generate traffic to your site overnight. However over time it will lay the groundwork for more backlines to your site which can greatly improve your website's search engine ranking and link popularity. Start out by submitting your site to at least five directories per day. 2. The Forums It's almost as if forums were built for free website promotion. Just register with the forum of your choosing, create a signature file (also known as a resource box) and start advertising. One important element to remember: To make forum advertising truly work, you must become an active participant in that community. Do not just post your latest product or service. Instead make a deliberate and constant effort to provide good information, opinion and discussion to the forum. Once people in the forum become more familiar with you, your website promotion becomes easier. 3. Courtesy This applies not only to the forums but anywhere else you do business online. No doubt you've witnessed how aggressive and insulting people can be in cyberspace. There is something about posting anonymously or at least from an "undisclosed" location that brings out the antagonism in some people. A little bit of politeness and respect can greatly assist you in establishing contacts with other webmasters. This will make them more open to exchanging links with you. They may also check out your website and promote your product or service to their readers and subscribers without requesting anything in return. That's the power of common courtesy.

4. Video About three years ago, internet marketing pioneer and businessman Kevin McCarthy predicted that video would transform the internet. Today we are looking at the dawning of the video online revolution. What this means is free website promotion has gone to the next level. Just use a web cam or any other recording equipment to make your video and then easily upload it to the hundreds (and growing) of video sharing sites like of course You Tube and Blip TV. Video can place your website promotion in front of new customers who normally would not be interested in your product or service. The internet continues to grow and change rapidly. The predicted collapse of small businesses online due to the demise of free website promotion never happened. Instead not only are the free tools that were available still around (and very effective) but new website promotion tools have been added. Take advantage of the directories, video, forums and just good old fashion common courtesy to boost your free website promotion campaigns
- Romenkumar -


Goa said...

Your information is basic but good enough.

However my feindly advice would be to break up your paragraphs into points and with gaps for visitors to read properly.

Continous descriptions are an eyesore and visitors rather leave the website than bother to fop through it.

All the best

xittuk Goencar

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Any little hints will help. It does the self-confidence good...

Podi said...

Although I've heard of these methods before they all work great, where would I be without free web promotion, I love it. Great post and it gives me some good blog ideas too.

Unknown said...

Great tips for getting the most out of free website promotion...

Important phone numbers, http://www.FreePhoneList.com

Anonymous said...

The information in this post is good. Although the trouble with free web promotion is the time it takes, it may be an arguably more quality ridden approach, but it can take a while to get things indexed and up and running in the lisitngs. This post is great for beginners and those who need confirmation of the ways to use free web promotion. I will post this to my friends needing help to make a will online.

Basit Rahman said...

Yeah, I am really agreed that free web promotion is very effective for promoting any business and it is especially useful for such businesses which are small scale and can't spend more on their marketing campaigns.


Unknown said...

This was an interesting prediction. Haven't seen an update on this blog in a while, would love to read more. To your point, we have started using video heavily for some of our clients. We're getting ready to launch a short TV series at http://misspivot.com and have seen crazy results with putting up video. It's exciting to see people interested in your stuff

Viagra UK said...

Offcourse the free web promotion is still there but the point is, can you get targeted traffic through your free web promotion or not ... that is all that matters.

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